We currently have no details of future record dates for this show. However, if you register your interest, we will contact you with details of possible new dates as and when we release them.
22 red boxes, £100,000 and one question….will you be there too?
After an incredible return to our screens in 2023, Deal or No Deal is back for a new series and you’re invited to see one of the most exciting and iconic gameshows of all time.
Join host Stephen Mulhern live in the studio for all the nail-biting action as brave new contestants battle it out against the infamous Banker for a chance to win a life-changing cash prize!
***Free audience parking and free tea & coffee! Cold refreshments and food are available to purchase***
Morning or afternoon shows are available! Request your free audience tickets right now!
VERY IMPORTANT: Applause Store operates a completely free ticket service. However, it has been brought to our attention that some people have been selling/advertising our free tickets on various web sites including Ebay. We take this matter very seriously. Anyone found to be selling their ticket allocation will instantly make them void and may also face formal proceedings against them. If you have bought or know anyone advertising our free tickets for sale, please let us know immediately.
© Copyright 2025. All images appearing in the Applausestore.com website are protected under the international Copyright laws.
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