Michael McIntyre's Big Show



We currently have no record dates for this show. However, if you register your interest now, we'll reach out to you with possible new show dates as and when we release them. 

In what will be another unmissable night of entertainment, BAFTA award-winning Michael McIntyre hosts a jam-packed night of big stars, big laughs and big surprises at The Theatre Royal Drury Lane.

Michael will once again present the world’s leading music superstars and his record-breaking comic talents for a night packed with treats and unmissable surprises. It’s a night at the theatre you won’t want to miss!

Please note: The priority ticket 'Arrive-By' time is 3pm for this show. Only apply if you can make it for this time.

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VERY IMPORTANT: Applause Store operates a completely free ticket service. However, it has been brought to our attention that some people have been selling/advertising our free tickets on various web sites including Ebay. We take this matter very seriously. Anyone found to be selling their ticket allocation will instantly make them void and may also face formal proceedings against them. If you have bought or know anyone advertising our free tickets for sale, please let us know immediately.


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Show title

Michael McIntyre's Big Show

Location / studio

Theatre Royal Drury Lane, London WC2

Ticket age restriction

Minimum age limit 14+ Under 18's must be accompanied by an adult

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