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Romesh’s Look Back to the Future is back! The ground-breaking satirical show returns in time for Christmas, with sharp-witted humbug Romesh Ranganathan at the helm, along with three celebrities (Tom Davis, Jo Brand and Gino D’Acampo) competing to predict what will happen in the space of a year.
Last January, Romesh and his guests assembled to make predictions about the next 12 months of 2019 on a variety of different topics. Fast forward to December – he and his the three celebrities return to hear their predictions back, with a host of surprise special guest appearances. However, there’s a twist – with the help of state-of-the-art technology, the recordings filmed back in January will be transformed into holograms. Each celebrity will work with their hologram – as a team.
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You can help save our oceans with one small change. We challenge you to be an Ocean Hero by bringing a refillable water bottle with you to Romesh’s Look Back to the Future. You can fill up your bottle at one of our water stations at the studios for free. Find out more about Sky Ocean Rescue and how you can help at
VERY IMPORTANT: Applause Store operates a completely free ticket service. However, it has been brought to our attention that some people have been selling/advertising our free tickets on various web sites including Ebay. We take this matter very seriously. Anyone found to be selling their ticket allocation will instantly make them void and may also face formal proceedings against them. If you have bought or know anyone advertising our free tickets for sale, please let us know immediately.
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